Monday, February 1, 2010


i rode my new pod over the weekend (see pix below). it's the fastest board i've ever set foot on. and the quad setup turns like a dream. you can turn with tons of confidence, no fear, just push and voila you have already switched direction lickety split. the board is similar to a speeddialer, but without the double wing tail and (i think) a bit less rocker. i probably could have had the board made as a 5'10, but it's nearly perfect for me as it is, and it's really, really nice.

1 comment:

  1. Dude mine is dreamy too. I found its great when the waves are fat, it likes pumping and doing cutties, but dude what blew me away was riding it in hollow waves. My thruster's a bit big and chicama was shoulder high with long, tight barrels. I took at my Derrem with three fins, and did one lap back to El Hombre and just wasn't getting anywhere, I kept getting smashed by the lip. Stuck the quad's in and re stocked on sunny and choccy and that just changed it all. I was getting off the bottom a wee bit quicker and then just drawing in high on the wave and it just went faster, I made one long one and still got smashed a lot but was making it further for sure. I've had similar experiences since.
    I don't think I'm gunna like it with open faces...but I'm back in the UK now, so we'll be seeing more of the fat waves...have you seen (shameless self plug), check out the weekend swell chart I posted...shit the bed!
